Thursday, May 24, 2007

“An appreciation of the experience of creating and maintaining a blog”

"An appreciation of the experience of creating and maintaining a blog”

It appears that this will be my last blog entry for “Management Information Systems” and the likely hood of maintaining my blog is, well, good…I guess. I don’t think that I will have the time to make daily or even weekly entries; however, I do intend to maintain this journal for my educational experience. I guess my title depicts a journey that I have just commenced and I will let the masses; if they are interested, know how it plays out.

An Atlantic Canadian’s Journey to Higher Education

My Blog, well, I have grown attached to it…Enjoyed the experience of creating and maintaining it…Grew increasingly frustrated in the beginning...Search the assistance of my Geekiest friends…Still do not understand some things that I completed…lost stuff…got pissed off…spent three nights in a row up until 1:00 AM…calmed down…found my happy place…DRANK!...stumbled to bed…woke up Grumpy.

The most appealing aspect of my blog assignment is how it creates a global community. My blog has been hit from all over the world…from Las Vegas to Israel to Hong Kong and, today it was hit by someone in Shemogue, New Brunswick! “Big City Lights” HAHAHA! How do they find me? What brings them to my blog? Can someone answer? I don’t have the answer.

It appears that I am not blogging expert but now that I have the ball rolling, I will continue its existence until have finished my MBA.

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