Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Global companies are turning to highly sophisticated Enterprise computer systems to manage their business processes and improve customer relations. Systems known as Enterprise Resource Planning Systems have an infrastructure of a central databank and software that accumulates, stores and produces data to all the major business functions of an organization; Sales & Marketing, Finance & Accounting, Manufacturing & Production, and Human Resource Departments. Companies implementing enterprise systems become more consistent in their business applications; they become more synchronized with customer demands for product, and they improve their firm’s performance.

Supply Chain Management is a systematic process of buying, making, and moving a product. The supply chain is a network of processes for purchasing material to produce a product that is sellable to a customer. The chain moves in both directions when taken in considerations of product returns processes.

Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR)
1. Plan
2. Source
3. Make
4. Deliver
5. Return

The “Bull Whip Effect” occurs when an unnatural demand increases for a product that creates a domino effect to the other sectors of the supply chain. This occurrence was apparent at General Motors during seasonal promotions, such as AcDelco batteries in the fall and winter seasons. If organization knew exactly what customers required and organization would be able to implement a “just-in-time” strategy of production.

One slogan used by the General Motors Corporation was “Customers for Life”.

Customer Relation Management (CRM) uses applications to maximize relations with customers. Improved relations with customers will increase customer satisfaction, retention, a firm’s profits, and revenues. CRM software has application directed towards; sales, customer service, and marketing

Partner Relationship management runs on a parallel system with CRM; however it focuses on the relationship between an organization and its selling partners.

Terms of interest:
· Operational CRM
· Analytical CRM
· Customer Lifetime Value
· Service Platform
· Business Process Management

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